On the latest podcast, Johnny EXPOSES exactly why they are feuding, who started it and why, Barry Kirkeys involvement, and how he feels about meeting iampuahate88 at the 3rd Annual Casanova Crew BBQ (which will feature a "guru's" vs CC Members" softball game).
Listen to this shocking revelation here:
Here's the REAL reason why i despise lefty with passion.
The mother fucker lies so much about himself. The guy is a pathetic piece of shit and accomplish absolutely nothing worth while. In fact, even his feud with Savoy, whom savoy reveal that it's JOHNNY who tries to scam savoy. There are tons of people talking shit about me about the barry kirkey issue and quite frankly, i do not give a shit about them.
But i dislike people who lies so much about their accomplishment, so gungho about other people's scumbag behavior while they themselves is some of the most scummy person on the planet. Johnny is most likely a virgin with almost zero career accomplishment yet he lies about banging 70 girls, also lies about his so called 6 figure careers and also tries unsuccessfully to scam people with his fucking bullshit Ebook. There's a fine line between entertainment trolling and just fucking scumbag behaviors. Johnny is simply a second catagory.
You ever wonder why i have such dislike for people like johnny wolf despite knowing him for almost a year? It's the fact i considered him also a lying dbag.
I agree with you about Johnny Wolf. I never cared for his stuff and always thought he came off like not all was what it seemed from what I read. I am sorry but the how does this guy attract the supposed swedish model types he says he does? Just like Mr. Mr - I am sorry but why would some hot blonde tall chick want to date either of them? Its absurd...
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You can hear a iambrian interview here
Its the only podcast to feature Johnny and iambrain on the same show, along with TheHSJ.
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If you actually see the "swedish" model he got, you would know she's not exactly...a model.
I've hangout with him for a year and between people who know him, we all agree he shouldnt be teaching bootcamp.
However, what finally makes me disgust with him completely was his attempt to sell pickup pheremone. It's like he's telling the world, fuck ya all, i'm going to scam all of you. The level of disrespect he had for the community and everyone around him is ridicolous imo.
There is no softball game you gullible fools; how could you believe such an absurdity...I WAS TROLLIN'!
You guys.... are as bad as the people...mkay... your as bad as the people... who go into bathrooms... mkay... unzip there pants.. mkay... walk up to an unsuspecting urinal... mkay... and leave a big brownie in there... mkay... for everyone else to see... mkay
You guys should be ashamed of yourselves. Bunch of child molesting immagrants, mkay
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HAHAHHA exactly
also nobody cares about this feud bullshit, more boring than the mehow bot (if that's even possible)
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You've hang out with him? Hahahahaha man oh man!